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Hellraiser Series Rating
How would you rank them... from best to worst?
Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
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1º Hellraiser

2º Hellbound (Hellraiser II)

3º Hellraiser IV (Bloodline)

4º Hellraiser III (Hell on Earth)

For me, the rest of the sequels it´s not Hellraiser, it´s another thing.
Yep ours are almost the same but I have to put #2 at the top.
I love the surreal nature of the whole thing and how it expanded the world.
It was also the first Hellraiser movie I had seen so I'm sure that plays into it a little.


Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Hellraiser IV
Hellraiser 3

But of course when I watch them I do so in order. 1,2,3,4

The films after 4 seem like a different series... or volume if you will.
Hellraiser Season 2? Pfft
Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
-Horror Host -
Darth Ackert
For me I can't watch 1 or 2 without watching the other. It makes one large story that made sense to me. Also that is how I got introduced to the Barkerverse. It was a Hellraiser double feature on Cinemax one night. I swear I did not blink from the time Frank got ripped apart in the beginning of 1 till the doors of hell closed in 2. After that I tried to find out all I could about these movies and Clive Barker. Not easy without the internet back then.
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