Roger wrote:
LOL You'll probably torture yourself one day with Hellraiser Revelations then regret it.

I don't think so. Remember my rant about Troll 2? I have learned my lesson on watching things that have "BAD IDEA" written all over them.
Don't let Fallon hear you say that. I myself liked Rawhead for what it was.
Ryan wrote:
Underworld for sure. After that, maybe Saint Sinner, if that one can even count.
Both of those are questionable as for "adaptions." To me those are original screenplays since they don't appear in any other format that I know of. Saint Sinner did appear in the comics but in title only. Clive just reused the name because he liked it and the comic is considered a failure... (not in my eyes though because it was my favorite of the Razorline titles.)