Thread subject: Fifth Dominion - Clive Barker Fans - :: Hellraiser X (2020)

Posted by Roger on November 02 2013 06:26

OK so I have this pitch for the Weinsteins which I'm sure they will be interested. It'll secure the rights for a while longer and bring in loads of cash in for their quest to destroy the enjoyment of tons of horror fans world wide.

Hellraiser X: Whack To The Future

This film takes place immediately after the future events of Hellraiser 4: Bloodline but right before the events of Jason X. The space station has begun to implode in upon itself creating a sort of Event Horizon. John Merchant's ship is disrupted and they have to escape in Lament Configuration looking escape pods. They crash land on the nearest planet which is called LV-321.

The Pinhead from Hellraiser 9 returns and is seen tumbling and falling over himself in his own escape pod which is actually a Lament Configuration.
Doug Bradley is seen briefly in his cameo getting revenge as a t-shirt sales man who is playing with the aforementioned Rubix Configuration, the last box created by John Merchant in the mid-80s.

Please feel free to add to the pitch. I'd like this to be as solid and tight a story as Hellraiser: Hellworld.
Tentative tagline: "We'll Tear Clive A New Butthole."