So 2020…. yeah. The less said the better… let’s move on.
Hope everyBody is making the most of their time and staying well.
Things are looking to be pretty good as far as projects go. Here are some updates.
I’m getting the Dr. Paul Bearer site re-vamped with a new look and new content. Since the start I wanted to keep the site looking ‘old school’ to stay with the low budget horror host feel, but it was hard to keep updated. I think the new look is a happy medium and will allow new content to be added without too much hassle. Let me know what you think about it so far.
I’m currently getting things together for a Doctor Xombie and Fiends comic strip! Yes! “Xombie Comix” are on the way!!! When this gets underway it will be posted right here on Xombie Ink so stick around.
Doctor Xombie is now on Bandcamp! This will make it easier for all you ghouls to check out what the Xombieman has to offer on the mu-SICK-al side of things. FREE to stream and you can also buy the album in digital form for pretty cheap. If you’ve ever wanted to help out and support Xombie Projects then this is a perfect way to do so. I’ll be posting more about this next time. So Stay TOMBED!
I think that’s it for now. Stay Ghoul!