Doctor Xombie's Vault Of The Living Dead


Do The


Doctor Xombie

is now on Bandcamp!!!

Click on the boxes below to listen to a track and then go to the Bandcamp page to see and hear more.

Check out the YouTube Playlists for albums: Don't for get its "Doctor Xombie" with an "X".

Here is the first single from "Graverobbers From Outer Space" - "Tron Trax C" with a new "video" track:

Here is the second single from "Graverobbers From Outer Space" - "Memories Of IX" with a new "video" track:

"Graverobbers From Outer Space"

Click on the album cover to get your boney hands on a PHYSICAL copy of the CD.
"Graverobbers From Outer Space"
The track list is to the right and can be obtained on Amazon!!!
Doctor Xombie On-Line 

01 Another Dimension
02 Xombie On The Street (Doctor Xombie's Creature Feature Theme)
03 Tron Trax C
04 Leviathan Station (Approach and Exploration)
05 Groovy Ghoul
06 Electro-Naught
07 Help Me
08 Jungle Jam
09 Memories Of IX
10 Nacho Crunch
11 Ocean Shock (Demo)
12 Shadows Of The Grave
13 Mayday (The End) (Doctor Xombie Presents Theme)
14 Xombie Boy (Fragment)
15 Tron Trax (Demo)
16 Xombie Boy (Fragment Stupid Mix)
17 Electro-Naught (Space Warp Mix)

"Welcome To Ghoul School"

Click on the album cover to get your boney hands on a PHYSICAL copy of the CD.
"Welcome To Ghoul School"
The E.P. has now been Re-Mastered, expanded to 6 songs, and comes with all new redesigned artwork. The track list is to the right and can be obtained on Amazon!!!
Doctor Xombie On-Line 

1. Sick
2. Xombie
3. I Obey
4. Sick (Long)
5. Untitled #5
6. Day Of The Flies

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