Doctor Xombie's Vault Of The Living Dead


Can You Stand

The Horror?!?!?!?!!!

The Latest Episodes
(For more videos check out the LINX page.)

"Doctor Xombie Presents"

(Doctor Xombie's Shorter Internet Based Show)

Episode 06

The BIG Season Finale of Doctor Xombie Presents!
We go on location to the Zephyr-Kills Home Theatre and spare no expense... maybe.




Episode #06 The BIG Season Finale of Doctor Xombie Presents! We go on location at the Zephyr-Kills Home Theatre and spare no expense... maybe. YouTube
Episode #05 Doctor Xombie finds out the true meaning of Christmas from his fiends in this special horror-day special of 'Doctor Xombie Presents'. YouTube
Episode #04 Doctor Xombie and Fiends in their very first parade!!! This special episode of Doctor Xombie Presents is compiled from photos and video clips sent in by many kind creatures. It was filmed at the Zephyrhills Founder's Day Parade 2012 with the theme "Unsung Heroes of the Past and Present"... our hero tribute being for Dr. Paul Bearer. YouTube
Episode #03 Happy Ghoul Year!!! The Doctor starts off the New Year and gets a surprise. YouTube
Episode #02 Doctor Xombie gets an unexpected visit from Prey the vampire who delivers his first bit of FANg-mail. YouTube
Episode #01 The first episode of "Doctor Xombie Presents". In this episode Doctor Xombie is helping out his Mummy at the Haunted Hotel and previews "White Zombie" starring Bela Lugosi. YouTube

"More Horrible Old Videos"

(Short Videos and Guest Appearances)

Doctor Xombie Visits Dr. Paul Bearer Doctor Xombie stops by the Tenement Castle...
too bad the good Doctor isn't there.

This is Doctor Xombie's tribute to Dr. Paul Bearer (the longest running horror host on TV.)


Granny Ghoul Takes A Ride Granny Ghoul Takes A Ride in the Xombiemobile while Doctor Xombie is away.   YouTube
Monster Movie Night with Bobby Gammonster
Season 2 Episode 7
Doctor Xombie's guest appearance on Bobby Gammonster's "Monster Movie Night".
Xombieman plays the "Death or Consequences?" game show.

"Doctor Xombie's Creature Feature"

(Doctor Xombie's Longer Movie Based Show)

Coming..... Someday!

This is a taste of things to come.
Presented for your viewing terror
is the long version of the shows opening theme and titles.
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