I have two more book recommendations for you that I have been reading and enjoying.
The first is another in the ‘Modern Masters’ series about comic book creators.
As with the others in the series it has a very good interview and tons of artwork. John Byrne has always been a real inspiration to me personally so going through this is a pure joy.
You can grab a copy here: Modern Masters Volume 7: John Byrne
The other is a book recommend to me by my good friend and fellow artist Dash Cunning. (Keep an eye on his Dash Cunning Facebook page as he has a lot lined up for the very near future.)
The second is ‘the Webcomics Handbook’. The title pretty much sums up what its about. Let me just say that it is jam packed with great recommendations and instructions on how to get you up and running in no time with your own online web comic.
Snag it here: The Webcomics Handbook
On MY writing front, things are slowly progressing. I don’t have an official release date yet, but rest assured there will be e-book AND physical copies.
I’m really getting back to my drawing and artist side and will be posting more next time….
So, until next time…