I’ve been doing a lot more artwork lately so I’d like to share another painting with you. This Doctor Xombie watercolor is a bit bigger at 9″x12″.
I’m just starting out and basically just experimenting and having fun with the character.
Speaking of having fun… here’s one Bob Ross did for me…
Okay okay. Yeah its just a bit of fun Photoshop that I threw together.
I used a drawing my friend (and comic book artist) David Summey did for me and stuck it on a Bob Ross screen cap. I thought it actually came out pretty darn good.
We are currently working together (along with another friend Mark Freeman) on a Non-Xombie related project which I’ll let you know more about when the time is right.
(A Doctor Xombie project is also very likely in the future as well.) [fingers crossed]
“The Adventures Of Doctor Xombie And Fiends” book is coming along as well. I got a good amount of work in on it this weekend too.
As always, I’d love to hear any feedback or see any artwork you’d like to share either here or on Facebook.
Until next time…