Doctor Xombie found the correct frequencies and is now streaming his Out-Of-This-World music to Earth
(Click the links to find your favorite streaming platform.)
Doctor Xombie found the correct frequencies and is now streaming his Out-Of-This-World music to Earth
(Click the links to find your favorite streaming platform.)
Doctor Xombie on YouTube
Doctor Xombie was pretty busy last year creating new TOMBS… errrrrr TUNES on YouTube. The first of them (pictured to the left) are just a few of the new song releases. Check out the official page and check out all the rest!
Doctor Xombie is busy at work on a whole new batch for this year too.
Be sure to leave a comment on the songs page or chat on Facebook.
And of course as they say “LIKE and SUBSCRIBE” to the channel!
I hope everyone reading this is having a good day. If you are not reading this then… well… I’m not talking to you anyway. For those of you reading, please continue.
I believe I’m starting to find a better balance for projects and everything else I need to do in life. (I thought it was a decent amount of progress this weekend anyway.)
For one thing I was able to go through and bag up a bunch of my old comic books that needed tending to. Yes, I found it relaxing just sitting quietly and listening to music and a few podcasts while stuffing funny books into plastic bags. HEHE In truth I don’t have that many ‘funny’ comics, they are mostly sci-fi, superhero, and some horror. Which now that I think about it seems a little odd for Doctor Xombie (my horror host alter-ego if you hadn’t figure that out yet).
If you have any favorite books feel free to leave a comment below or e-mail. I’d love to hear from you.
I also met up with a buddy of mine and discussed future projects and possible collaborations.
He recommended the ‘Webcomics Handbook’. I flipped through it and saw that it had TONS of useful info and instructions on how to get a webcomic made. Instructions from start to finish.
I went to the book store looking but didn’t see it. Me being impatient went ahead and picked up this one instead since it was physically in my hands and I could jump right into it. (I also like that it has a lot of fun cartoons and side-bars with useful tips from the ‘pros’). And I figured we could trade info and tips that one or the other might not have. It not only covers webcomics but also comic books, manga, and publishing in general. Great stuff so far including writing, drawing, coloring, and program tips to get you up and running.
So as you might have figured out I do plan on starting work a comic strip/book in the near future as well as the prose stories. Speaking of which…
Here are a few thumbnail drawings of possible covers for the forthcoming short story collection which actually has a title now!
“The Adventures Of Doctor Xombie And Fiends”
(subtitled “Mostly True Tales Of A TV Horror Host”).
As they are preliminary thumbnails things might change, but I did want to give you a little glimpse into how things are progressing and the process of putting this together. I’m very excited about this book and hope you will enjoy it as well. It might seem silly but I do love the title. I think it really conveys who and what the book is about.
Remember to leave a comment and/or head on over to Facebook and let me know what’s what.
Thank you again for sticking around for this installment. I’ll be back again next week with more.
“Horror Host Meat-n-Greet”
Oasis 27 Sci-Fi Convention
May 1 – 3, 2015 (FRI, SAT, SUN)
Last year I was kindly invited to be a guest at the Oasis 27 convention here in central Florida. Being a horror host / author was the big factor in getting me the spot as well as having some cool friends that seem to like what I do. I was a bit nervous at first as I’d never done anything like that before but I have attended many sci-fi cons as a fan. This was something brand new though.
I didn’t want to feel like a fish-out-of-water so I invited my fellow horror host and authors to come with me on this little adventure. (No offense Professor.) To my delight Master Vyle and Professor Gillman agreed, so I booked my room and decided to make a mini-vacation out of it. (I don’t get away much.)
It was fun for the whole family. Convention tickets were available at the door. There was a video room, dealers room, and lots of panel discussions throughout the three day event. There were many guests including the guest of honor Canadian author/editor Julie E. Czerneda.
Doctor Xombie showed up twice to host movies in the video room. The rest of the time he must have been lurking around for fresh bodies. Friday night he, Master Vyle, and Friday (from the Friday Night Frights) introduced the old Night Of Dark Shadows film. Saturday night the Xombieman and Friday introduced the new Godzilla flick.
I can’t list all of the panels and discussions but there were MANY. Unfortunately we were in the dealer’s room most of the time and didn’t get to venture out too much. We set up our Creature Corner (tables) and had a great time meeting fans, signing books, and discussing our favorite things like horror hosts and our inspirations like Dr. Paul Bearer and Shock Armstrong of Florida fame. We passed out fliers and spread the word about our online channel the Peninsula Of Horror where people can chat with us online and watch horrible old movies at the same time. (links below)
(Professor Gillman also placed in the costume contest! I guess those pesky humans know a good thing when they see it.)
All in all I had a great time and learned A LOT. I can definitely recommend attending this and similar cons if you get a chance.