Wow! What a year so far! So many things happened!
Pandemics, murder hornets, riots… And we’re only half way through the year.
So… let’s not talk about them. I’ve had enough already. Seriously.
I’m trying to keep aware of what’s going on in the news and what not, but you can only deal with so much at a time. You also need to think about the good things and the fact that we are here on this amazing planet Earth. The universe is so vast and we are but the smallest of things in it. We are unique. So keep that that in mind as you go about your day.
So far this year I’ve been experimenting… really for the first time with acrylic painting. And oh I’m loving it! It has taken me back to that artistic place from my youth that I thought I had lost. Of course I’m still into multiple projects, but this is right up there with how much I love watercolors. Amazing! I’ll try to post some stuff here but if you’d like to check out some of my weird attempts at ‘real painting’ then go on over to my Xombie Ink page on Facebook or on the Instagram page for Doctor Xombie. [LINKS here and also at the top of the page.]
Next: Update for a long awaited comic book project that’s been two years in the making.
More on that next time. So stay TOMBED!